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More Mangos please! |
It is easier to get through to President Obama than it is to get through to Alexis by phone. I get it! I remember how busy you are when you have a baby. Olivia, in particular is beautiful and happy baby, but very active and not much of a napper. Alexis says that Olivia has lots of time to work on all her baby tricks because she never sleeps. By 7 months, she was crawling at the speed of light. Whenever I put her down, I could hear the music of impending doom playing in the background as she looked to her left, she looked to her right and zeroed in on the dirtiest thing in sight to put in her mouth or the most treacherous place to climb. I get it that you can’t take your eyes off her for a moment. (Why don’t they use playpens anymore?) In addition, Alexis has just gone back to work and started a brand new job. I get it that she is busy!
Now to the point, what can I expect from Alexis? I have adopted a policy that restricts my phone calls to my children because I never seem to call at a good time. If they call me, it is at their convenience. Now however, it has been a week since I have heard from her. The whole weekend went by without any contact, not a single e-mail, text message, letter or even a singing telegram. I know that there are families that would not think this is out of the ordinary, but this is not usual for us. We have always been close and I am so sad to be missing out on the details of her life and Olivia’s. I want to hear about the toys she plays with, baby dates and music classes. I want to know what new foods she is eating and how she looks the first time she tries them. I want to hear about the way she greets Alexis when she comes home from work. I would find great fascination in every mundane detail.
I don’t want to be angry or to demand her attention. I don’t want to give her a minimum weekly requirement of phone calls or cry and whine. I don’t want her to think that there are strings attached to anything that I do for her either. So what do I do?????
Ding a ling a ling………..
Hey Mom, what’s up?
When I was a parent for the first time, I had the luxury of being a stay at home mom..how wonderful for me. Unfortunately, having 2 sets of grandparents in another state, limited our ability to get out as a married couple and get a babysitter. We did not have skype or the ability via the computer so that my girls' grandmothers could see them eat, play, talk and crawl. So, I say to you, anyu, try and schedule a Skype time so that you can see some of the mischief that Olivia is up to!
ReplyDeleteI too never seem to call at the right time, or time enough for Maya to be in view of the Skype camera.. New Moms are busy, and my daughter is also a working mom, so when she gets home, she needs to get dinner ready for Maya, bath her, play with her, and get her ready for bedtime. So, in that two hours or so, how does she get a phone call to "mimi" in...who knows?
Maya is getting pretty adept in her own ability to pick up the cell phone and dial..my phone rings..."hi mimi"...my heart melts!!!